Author: Zoran Čučković [ This is the author's version of an article which will be published soon in The Journal of Archaeological Research and Theory ] Abstract This article is…
Heatmaps are used to map densities and intensities of a diverse phenomena that occur across the (geographical) space. This can be agricultural farms in Europe, penguin colonies in Antartica, spread…
DOCTORAL WORKSHOP Spatial archaeology: from remote sensing to analysis, new approaches to the space of ancient societies September 30 ‐ October 4, 2024 École française de Rome DW_Spatial-Archaeology_Program_compressedDownload
[This is the author's version of an article published in The Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Network Research. Save minor language changes, this version retains the Box 1 - a really…
Landscape archaeology is an approach in archaeological research that focuses on space and environment inhabited by past societies. Some would perhaps consider a sub-discipline on its own, situated at the…
L’île de Délos est une véritable réserve archéologique, gérée par le Ministère grec de la Culture. Depuis 1990, l’île entière est classée parmi les monuments de l’UNESCO ; autant dire…
[PREPRINT, a paraître dans le recueil des Quatrièmes Rencontres Nord-Sud de Préhistoire récente, La Rochelle 2022] Résumé Appréhendés le plus souvent par leur forme architecturale, les monuments funéraires restent difficiles…
This two day workshop and seminar will enable participants to explore and learn on digital approaches in landscape archaeology, with a specific focus on mobility analysis. Seminar (June 18th, 9h…
Modèle théorique d’un réseau des chemins, Slovénie La 2024 s’annonce bien, le projet qu’on a proposé avec les collegues slovènes et français a reçu feu vert. Financé par le ministère…