Heatmaps are used to map densities and intensities of a diverse phenomena that occur across the (geographical) space. This can be agricultural farms in Europe, penguin colonies in Antartica, spread…
DOCTORAL WORKSHOP Spatial archaeology: from remote sensing to analysis, new approaches to the space of ancient societies September 30 ‐ October 4, 2024 École française de Rome DW_Spatial-Archaeology_Program_compressedDownload
Landscape archaeology is an approach in archaeological research that focuses on space and environment inhabited by past societies. Some would perhaps consider a sub-discipline on its own, situated at the…
L’île de Délos est une véritable réserve archéologique, gérée par le Ministère grec de la Culture. Depuis 1990, l’île entière est classée parmi les monuments de l’UNESCO ; autant dire…
Invited conference at University of Kiel - ROOTS excellence cluster "Topographies of remembrance: quantitative approaches to prehistoric barrow landscapes" When? - 22.04.2024 | 16:15 - 17:45 Where? - ZMB, Am…
Attendues depuis très longtemps, les données lidar pour le territoire métropolitain français sont enfin disponibles. Chaque élément du terrain ou presque est enregistré en 3D : bâtiments, relief, trait de côte,…
Initiation de réseaux européensMSH – Institut LLSHS Approaches to mobility in archaeology:from fieldwork to digital analysis 20 juin 2023MSH Clermont-FerrandSalle 220, 14h-16h 14h : Systematic Field Survey in Karst Landscape…
Conference / predavanje : 17.1.2023 ob 13h Dvorana Zemljepisnega muzeja GIAM ZRC SAZU, Gosposka ulica 16, Ljubljana AbstractGIS or geographic information systems have become an old companion to archaeologists, yet…
Poster presented at the conference “Modèles d’occupation du sol à l’âge du Bronze en Europe”, Metz, June 22-25, 2022. Introduction Thousands of prehistoric barrows or tumuli can still be found…