Tanaka method or how to make shaded contour lines

Contour lines have become a commonplace, unassuming companion of our cartographic outputs - GIS has made us forget their visual potential. Already in the 19th century cartographers experimented with shaded contours, but the technique has become known as the Tanaka method, after Japanese cartographer Kitiro Tanaka (Kennelly 2016, wiki.gis 2017).... [Read More]
Tags: qgis

Polar (circular) diagram

Orientation of geographic features can be an important piece of information, for instance when studying ancient field systems or analysing geological formations. The problem comes when we try to summarise such data graphically . Standard histograms are not ideal because they cut through the continuous distribution - one cannot easily... [Read More]
Tags: qgis

SIG collaboratif, solution simple et gratuite

Travailler, ce n’est peut-être pas toujours la chose la plus passionnante, mais c’est quand même plus amusant (et plus efficace) en collaboration. Il y a, dans le monde du SIG, bien de solutions pour le travail collaboratif sur un même jeu de données, mais le plus souvent elles sont coûteuses... [Read More]
Tags: qgis

Postgis database: free online hosting

Postgis is the database software for collaborative work in the GIS environment. Multiple users can connect to the database and edit the data without the fear of breaking down the system (except messing with each others edits - which is another type of issue). Assuming that the interaction between the... [Read More]
Tags: qgis